There’s a growing sense of distrust over the nation’s water supply. 比如弗林特的水危机, 密歇根是极端的, 但这让许多房主感到疑惑, “我的水够安全吗??”

America’s water infrastructure is overdue for repair. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2021 U.S. 基础设施成绩单上,美国得了a C-等级 因为它的饮用水系统.


一些房主担心. 365体育APP下载城市的管道有多少年历史了? 我的自来水公司是否诚实? They say it’s safe, but does it meet MY standards?

Others simply don’t like the taste or the additives in their municipal water supply. 氯是一种常见的抱怨. Sure, the water is safe – but it doesn’t taste good! And still others don’t want added fluoride in their water supply.

Of course millions of homeowners have their own wells. While many well owners are lax about water testing, they still have a general understanding that they 应该 监测井水安全.

All that adds up to a growing interest – and market – in water filters for home use. 人们想从水龙头里得到干净的水. And they know that the water from their well or municipal supplier might not meet the standards they want and expect.


The first step is to visit the customer’s home and conduct a water test. 和他们谈谈他们的问题和担忧. 他们喜欢水的味道吗? Is anyone in the family suffering from dry, itchy skin? Are they seeing gritty scaly buildup on their showerheads or other fixtures?

Recommending water filtration begins with understanding the problem. 水权 provides comprehensive training and education to help build your skills in this area. 再说了,365体育APP下载总是一个电话就到. You tell us what problems the homeowner is having, 365体育APP下载可以帮您设计出最高效的, 有效的系统来满足他们的需求. 


You know your local fire fighters are on call, ready to help your family in case of an emergency. But you don’t rely on them for total protection, right? Most households have additional safeguards in place, 比如烟雾探测器, 火警, 还有灭火器.

For homeowners on city water supply, water filtration works the same way! It’s an added layer of security they can add right inside their own home. 

For homes on city water, water filters can address:

  • Chlorine and other disinfection chemicals used to treat the water supply
  • Short-term spikes in lead which can occur when water lines are damaged during construction or disturbed for repairs
  • Bacteria or other contaminants that can enter the water supply through cracks or holes in underground pipes
  • Corroding metals from a homeowner’s own in-home plumbing  

For homes on well water, water filters can address:

  • Naturally occurring contaminants in the groundwater
  • Pollutants and runoff from nearby farms or commercial activity
  • 腐蚀金属从家庭管道  


POU (point of use) water treatment systems are located at the final stage of the water line. They filter water right where the homeowner wants to use it.

过滤投手: Also known as “gravity filters,” these work as water falls through a simple carbon filter. Pitcher filters are slow and don’t produce much water at a time. Plus the capabilities of these granulated carbon filters are limited. They mostly filter out chlorine (taste and odor), 但它们通常不能去除铅, 石棉, 细菌, 或病毒. 

水龙头和内联过滤器: Some homeowners have refrigerators with built-in filtration and water dispensers. 还有一些是安装在水龙头上的过滤器. These filters may still be the right choice for some people. 然而, problems with these systems include frequent filter changes, 笨重的空间问题, 美学(风格和外观). These filters are also best for taste and odor issues rather than water safety issues.

反渗透(RO): These systems work by forcing water through an ultrafine, semipermeable membrane. Only water molecules get through, while other contaminants are collected and flushed away. An RO system has pre-filtration stages before the specialized membrane. An RO unit is typically installed under the sink, 或者在地下室, and has a storage tank that holds treated water so it’s ready for on-demand use.

Like any other kind of water treatment system, RO systems do need filter changes and maintenance. This includes periodic replacement of system filters (once or twice a year) and the membrane (approximately once every three years). 

紫外线: Not a filter but a disinfection option — UV systems use light to deactivate pathogens so they can’t grow and reproduce.


家用净水器, 也被称为“入境点”系统, 提供一个戒毒的方法, 整个家里都有过滤水. 家用净水器 are plumbed directly into the home water line, and are typically installed in basements or garages, 只要有空间. 

When you install a whole home filtration system, 顾客获得新鲜感, 家里的水都经过过滤. Recommend this option when the customer wants filtered water throughout the kitchen, 浴室, 在它们取水的地方. No matter which tap they use, it’s all the same high-quality water.

Learn more about how 水权 supports its partners [link to “types of water treatment – why choose 水权]. And talk to us about adding water treatment solutions to your business.



Which 水 Filter is Best for Your Customer’s Home

There’s a growing sense of distrust over the nation’s water supply. 比如弗林特的水危机, 密歇根是极端的, 但这让许多房主感到疑惑, “是我的水吗? ...

7 Ways Adding 水 Treatment Solutions Benefits Your Business

Expanding your business with water treatment services can do more than add revenue. 它可以增加有价值的客户接触点, 让你的生意更容易卖出去, 甚至有助于吸引新人 ...


If you’re just getting started in water treatment, you may think water softeners are your easiest sell. After all, hard water is something your customers can see on their shower ...